Friday, April 25, 2014

Magazine Review - life:beautiful

My favorite magazine is considering going all digital online.  This is not simply my favorite magazine.  It is the ONLY magazine I read.  I'm a slow reader.  As a homemaker with a zillion hobbies, I don't have time for more than one magazine.  This one is perfect.  It's published seasonally, four times per year.

I LOVE this magazine.  When I learned that the changing world of print media may be forcing them to change with the times and quit printing and move to all digital format, I nearly croaked.  I love the Internet for certain things, but I also love holding beautiful print material in my own two hands as I read the life giving words and absorb the food and colors and ideas splashed across the page.  It is a rare delight and I will go into mourning if life:beautiful magazine stops arriving in my mailbox with the onset of each new season.

Therefore, I am spreading the word!  life:beautiful will continue to arrive in mailboxes across the globe if enough people express interest and subscribe.

This magazine is like a Good Housekeeping and Travel magazine and Christian Living magazine all rolled into one.  If this sounds wonderful to you, please click the link below.  Subscribe and spread the word.

This magazine has touched my life.  Not only has it inspired new recipes on my table, but there have been days when I was spiritually drooping and life:beautiful re-connected me to the Lord Himself.
Click below and see for yourself.....

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Quiet Joy

I want to write a long and beautiful post today.  But I have no words.  My heart is full and quiet with indescribable Peace and incredible Joy.

Instead, I will share with you pictures from our humble, beautiful, Life moving Easter Sunday.

Originally, I thought I was going to share one or two pictures of Samantha's first Easter basket, which Chris and I gave her on Friday before he left for India.  I was going to share that because that is the only interesting news I thought we would be blessed with today.  Instead, I was surprised with pictures and moments far more beautiful.