Thursday, November 12, 2015

Letter to the Woman Who Wants My Life

I wrote the following letter to an actual woman in my life.  She and I have had many conversations over the last few weeks about her longing for a baby.  I've shared many thoughts that she finds helpful in her attempt to wait patiently without succumbing to depression, but ultimately, I can't fix this struggle for her.  It's a battle she will face repeatedly, as we all do, and wrestle with on her own and find her own way through it.  But my heart goes out to her.  I was in her shoes for 10 years of waiting and wanting a baby.  I want to try to ease her burden as much as I can. I communicate my heart best through writing, so I put these words to paper for her and for all the women in her shoes I've talked to over the last 10 years.
I also wrote it for myself.  I wrote it to help me remember not to look back with longing to my former life without children, or look forward to my future life when they are grown, but to live in the present moment, fully thankful, fully joyful, fully fulfilled. This truth applies to every person, in every situation, in all walks of life.

Dear Friend, Sister, Colleague, and Woman passing me in Walmart,

You see me and you desire what I have.  I'm not going to lie.  My life is blessed.  It's not wrong to desire what I have.  I have two adorable little girls who offer joy every day, whether I see it and enjoy it or not.  I want you to have what I have.  Children are a delight.  My life is charming in so many ways.  I have a roof over my head, food on my table and three people in my household who love me, not to mention your love for me and the love I feel from at least a hundred friends around the world.
You see me and desire what I have, and it's hard for you to grasp why my life is so challenging for me at times. You can't fathom why I would have any reason to curl up in a ball on the closet floor occasionally and cry my heart out just exactly like you do occasionally.

You see me and desire what I have, so I'm going to try to paint a better picture of exactly what it is I have.....

I am 150% thankful for this life and the babies in it.  I wouldn't change a thing. The reason I am agonized, at times, is because I have a high standard for wanting to live my life to the best of my ability and do a good job with what I have been given. I want to fully enjoy my babies while they are little before it's too late and I don't want to waste a minute.  It stresses me out every time a well meaning stranger says in passing, "Enjoy every minute... they grow up too fast."  I do have many glorious moments of enjoying them. But it's just not humanly possible for every moment to feel glorious. Many times the exhaustion is overwhelming and it's not possible to fully appreciate the babies in those moments. This reality is a grief to me, but nothing can be done about it. This is the plight of motherhood. The act of being a mother is primarily a sacrificial gift of love. Love for the children you are raising and love for all the people who will be blessed by them. God's primary purpose in giving us children is not for personal gratification. However, for mothers who are blessed with wisdom and vision, those mothers can see that it is more blessed to give than to receive. This is the truth that can sustain us in the many, many hard moments. Yes, there are many.
Yet, fortunately, there are also many moments of sheer delight and joy and personal fulfillment in the act of being a mother. It's an added bonus.

I'm an idealist, so I have unrealistic expectations that tell me that if I am doing everything correct, and am the best mother I can be, all moments will feel glorious and wonderful at all times. This is just not true. I know you are an idealist too, so I know you are likely to face this same challenge when you become a mother.
In those moments when things are HARD, I feel guilty because they are hard. I make it EVEN MORE HARD on myself by thinking it's my fault and if I was just a better mother, this would be easier.  Certainly there are times when I make things harder than they need to be with my shortcomings. But there are plenty of times when I have the right attitude and I'm doing everything right and it is still just plain HARD.

When we are in a season of infertility or when we are intentionally waiting to have children, many of us women look at mothers with babies and we want their life, not because we are eager to sacrifice our lives for others, but because we think their life would be more fun than the life we are currently living. And when we hear that those mothers are struggling, we think that they must not be grateful enough for what they have. I admit, certainly there's the occasional ungrateful mother out there, but I highly suspect that most mothers are like me..... SO grateful that they want to do the best job possible and they are beating themselves up trying to do just that. And if you're a good mom, you are going to do the same thing when it's your turn.

So try to stop beating yourself up now, thinking your life isn't full enough now. Try to see your life now and your future life raising babies, not as two separate lives, but as one life.  If babies are in your future, you are already making sacrifices for those babies right now and preparing yourself to be a better mother when they come.  The life experiences you are living now are preparing you for whatever unique challenges you will face in your own private walk as a mother. If you get used to and embrace sacrifice now, it won't be as rude an awakening when sacrifice is an unavoidable reality during motherhood.

So please continue to dream, continue to look forward to the arrival of a baby.  Don't shut your emotions off to protect yourself from the pain of waiting, as I did.  Keep longing, keep desiring, keep waiting so that when your dreams finally do come true, you will be open, ready and excited to receive.  But wait with more awareness of what lies ahead, both the joy and the heartache.  Enjoy your current season of life so that you don't look back and feel you wasted it by pining away for the future.  I have to do the same thing right now.  I have to discipline my mind regularly, telling it to stay in the present moment and not pine away for a future of grown children that will come all too quickly.  If you learn to stay in the present moment now, you'll be better prepared to stay in the present moment and enjoy as much as possible when your glorious babies do come.

This truth applies to every person, in all situations, in all walks of life.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

If you experience pain, are you in sin?

I've been waiting, these last few months, for a serious topic to grab my attention... something bigger for us to discuss than bubble blankets.

Yesterday a topic sparked my passion.  I was reading through a string of comments on Facebook, many lovely women weighing in on the heated and heartfelt topic of childbirth.  It was the comment of one woman in particular that caught my attention.  She told us that her births were pain free and it was because Christ has reversed the curse placed on mankind.  She told us that because she believes this idea and has faith in it, she is able to exercise authority over her body and tell it what to do and therefore experience no pain.

This prompted a new string of comments, some throwing unnecessary, strong accusations at the well-intentioned woman and others revealed that her comments hurt them as it suggested their own painful labors were due to lack of faith.

This woman has touched on a very large theological debate that exists within Christianity.  People falling on either side of this debate are all lovely people I would be privileged to call my friends.  I don't usually enter big theological arguments.  It doesn't usually interest me.  But this time the greater debate (see: "health, wealth and prosperity gospel") (see also: "word of faith movement") touched a topic that is near and dear to the heart of all women everywhere... childbirth. Feelings are getting hurt and I want to weigh in.  I want to offer peace to a few hearts.

I do believe this woman's story.  I believe she experienced a pain free birth and it may very well have been because she was gifted by God with the ability to relax and trust Him through the birth process. She may have been able to speak with authority to her body and expel fear and other things that sometimes get in the way of a beautiful birth experience.  A few women do get the chance to experience birth as God originally intended in His original design.  We should rejoice with these women and not begrudge them their beautiful experience.  We need to give them freedom to be different from us.

However, my hope is that women who have this experience, will also give the rest of us freedom to be different in return.  Allow us to experience pain without judgement.  God doesn't promise anyone a pain free birth or a pain free life.  In fact, He says that we WILL share in His sufferings, at times, and He will comfort our hearts through the pain. (2 Corinthians 1:5-7)

I am reminded of the story of a friend.  She told me her first birth was relatively easy and she thought she was super good at this birth thing.  Her second baby brought another story.  The mind blowing pain forced her to new levels of surrender in her walk with God.  The pain was completely out of her control and God used this experience to bring her to a new level of dependence on Him. She has been gifted with the understanding that a great many things are completely out of our control. An inspiring story.  This is where I desire to be at all times: experiencing new levels of surrender to my Creator.

Then there is my own birth story...  I have a high pain tolerance and I went to the hospital all excited for natural labor, having read books and talked to many experienced women, I was totally prepared for a beautiful experience.  As it turned out, I labored in great pain for 24 hours.  Eventually my baby was in distress and I had a c-section.  During the c-section the doctor finally saw the hidden culprit. My bone structure was too narrow.  My baby girl would never have passed through.  200 years ago, before c-sections, both my baby and I would have died.  God's gift to some women is pain free labors.  God's gift to me is c-sections with painful recoveries that are every bit worth the sacrifice of love.  

On that day, and many days following, I had the privilege to say to my daughter, "this is my body, broken for you."

Can we pray for pain free experiences?  Certainly.  Often God is pleased to rescue us.  At other times, He will walk with us through the pain, easing our suffering by being right next to us, coaching us all the way through it.  Both the pain-free experience and the pain-filled experience have the potential for powerful beauty.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Bubble Blanket - Ideas for Fighting Cold Winter Blues

If you've never hopped in the tub with your toddler and invented new things together, like this bubble blanket, you should definitely consider giving it a try.  

It's been a rough two days.  It's too cold outside to really enjoy playing outdoors.  There isn't any snow or anything else to entice us.  Samantha is fighting an ear infection and is throwing tantrums we've never seen from her til now.  This impromptu decision to hop in the bathtub together after naps was inspired.  The time of day that is usually our hardest (after nap time til dinner) turned magical and harmonious.

Here in our home, bubble blankets are the latest fad.  (The water is only up to her belly button.  The rest is bubbles.)

Friday, December 19, 2014

Thanksgiving for Christmas - thinking outside the box

No one wants sickness right before Christmas. Especially not the real and actual flu. And especially not in a toddler. Yes, today my two year old tested positive for the real and actual Influenza virus. We often throw the word flu around anytime we have a cold and body aches and don't know the name of the exact bug we've caught. Most cold viruses are not super dangerous, but the Flu can be life threatening, especially in children and the elderly.

Today I am giving thanks for our current medical system. I'm giving thanks for our ability to look into a drop of blood, or a swab of mucus, and read critical data. Hundreds of years ago we did not know the difference between the common cold and the Flu and we didn't have a specific medicine for the Flu. Now we do, and if it's given within the first 48 hours, it can save lives.  I'm also giving thanks for the Mommy gut instinct God gave every Mommy. It is often confused with Mommy FEAR, our other, not-so-good, tendency. I often doubt myself, unsure of the difference. But today I am thankful that I got it right. I normally wait the recommended 3 days, when a fever shows up, before taking my baby to the doctor. Sickness strengthens the immune system and I don't want to throw medicine at her every time she is sick. But today something felt wrong. And as it turns out, I was right. If I'd waited the usual three days, there would have been no medicine to help her win this fight.
This reminds me that there is no black and white answer to rely on for every single circumstance. There are always exceptions to the rules we live by.  I am reminded how dependent we are on Divine Wisdom to guide us.
As Mom's, we are especially prone to grasp for formula's to make us feel safe. And for good reason. We love our children more than anything in the world and will do anything for them. There are many blogs out there, and Mom's on playgrounds, with loud voices, telling us how to raise our kids, giving us only one rigid view on anything we might encounter as a parent.  I like to think of myself as independent, strong minded, and confident. But I'm not above getting stressed out by the comments of another Mom on the playground.  So today I want to remind all of us that rules-of-thumb are fantastic on most days, but let's relax and be free of the harsh sensation that there is always only one right way to do things, whether it's diet, potty training, name it.  Let's remember to look upward, to the One who is leading us, and follow our gut in an unusual direction if that is the way He leads us.  We have all heard that some children don't follow the usual pattern and every situation is different. This principle does not just apply to Moms. LIFE rarely follows the same pattern every time. Let's be ready to think outside the box.  

Let's be ready to think outside the box even when thinking about "the perfect Christmas."

No one wants sickness right before Christmas. Especially not the Flu. But I am giving thanks for the silver lining.  I've spent a lot more time this year, than any other year, staring at the beautiful lights on my tree while I hold my baby. Which leads me to give thanks for a busy toddler who is actually snuggling me in the middle of the day. What better Christmas could I have?

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Small Thanksgivings - A Delight All It's Own

Scattered all across this land today, my family is celebrating Thanksgiving together in spirit, but not in body.  Gatherings of 20-30 persons, that we all love so much, are dwindled to smaller numbers when life circumstances keep us from traveling.  This year it was going to be 8 of us at my house, but then strep throat struck and our number dwindled down to 4, including the toddler.
But there's actually something special about a Thanksgiving gathering of 4.  After all, "where two or three are gathered..."

Monday, November 24, 2014

Candy Cornucopia

Want a fun, easy food craft to make your Thanksgiving day sparkle?  Try Candy Cornucopia.  

This simple project has cheered me up today, a woman celebrating Thanksgiving away from home and bogged down with too many things to list here.  Sound familiar?  I'm certain most of us could say we feel bogged down with too many things to list.

Our Thanksgiving table is going to be simple by American standards.  Only 5 dishes, including the pie.  But at the last minute I've decided to include this party favor for each place setting.  I've never done this candy craft before, but it took me 15 minutes to assemble 8 plates, and it is delighting me from my fingers to my toes.

You can build this with any variation of candy you prefer.  What's in mine?  Three smarties, a handful of gummy bears, 2 skinny cow dreamy clusters, and a handful of jolly rancher sour bites. All stuffed in a waffle cone and laid on a paper plate.

My daughter and nephews are gonna get big eyes when they see this.  And I'm glad there will be one waiting on my plate too because I kinda feel like I'm 10 years old again at the moment.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Life on the Move - Searching for Home

Weather is finally cooling here in Alabama.  Autumn is truly here, my favorite time of year! when I can open the windows and invite fresh air into my home.  It's exactly what I've waited for all summer, and tomorrow I'm leaving this gloriousness and moving to Florida for two months.  We are doing this for several reasons, work included.
A month ago, if you suggested I move to Florida for two months, I would have rejected it outright. My home is currently in Alabama.  For twenty years I have searched for a place to call home and now that I've finally found it, I don't want to leave.  Or so I thought.  

A few weeks ago, during a visit to Florida, I lay on my back at the end of yoga class and thought to myself, "wouldn't it be really great to move back and stay here for a few months?"  In that moment, I realized I still feel at home in Florida.  A few hours later I received a call and learned I would indeed be forced to move back to Florida for two months.  On my back, in a quiet moment on a wooden floor, perhaps it was the Spirit giving me an idea, preparing me for the coming news, letting me feel like it was my own idea.

A new way of life has been stirring in my heart.  For twenty years I have searched for a place to settle down and never leave, my heart yearning for a sense of belonging.  My heart still yearns.  Yet I'm making peace with the idea that some people are meant to live in one place for a lifetime and some people are meant to wander.  I thought I was the type to settle and now I'm learning that I'm meant to travel.  This explains why I felt at home in ALL the places I've lived: Vermont, Virginia, Colorado, Destin Florida, Orlando Florida, Switzerland and Alabama.  It also explains why I have always felt the urge to move on at some point.  

I always say that my true home is not of this world.  My home resides in the spiritual realm and I think I'm embracing this reality on a new level.  I was holding onto another person's ideal that did not belong in my own life and it was weighing me down.  I thought everyone needed roots to be healthy. But maybe my roots come from another Source.

Therefore, after a three month period of writer's block, as I sit down to write to you again, it seems fitting that the name of my blog has changed... again.  I am now writing to you from, Deep Scent of Jasmine: Life of a Homemaker Searching for Home.  This is the blog of a woman who will build a new nest many, many times throughout her life, continually seeking ways to change and grow.  She will always be at home and she will always be on her way Home.

As we speak, I am writing to you from my backyard patio.  This is my favorite place in the house.  It is where my almost two year old and I eat breakfast every morning, weather allowing.  She eats and plays while I drink my morning tea and slowly wake up.  I took the following photo of her this morning from this spot.  We will miss our big green lawn in Alabama, but we plan to return.  Perhaps Samantha was having a chat with Tigger about our upcoming move.  Perhaps she was preparing his heart for it.