My last post was about the importance of the present
moment. Today I want to talk about the
sheer joy of having eyes to see something Holy and special in the plain and
simple. We are having one of those
moments right now at our house.
Actually, a whole day filled with those moments. I don't think I would have seen all of this
today if I had not been staying present first.
After playing together for a while, we began to play
separately. My almost-3-year-old
wandered off and returned to create the above scene. It could be hard to see something special in
the greater context of this general mess...
I could have focused on all the work she and I will have to do to
straighten this later. I could have let
it make me feel tired and overwhelmed.
I also could have focused on the fact that she was playing
with my electric candles from the bathroom.
I could have been bothered by her "messing" with my stuff.
Instead, it occurred to me that this moment was Holy. As my worship music played in the background
on my I-Phone, she was following my lead, in her own way, entering into the
spirit of the moment. I was offering my
own gift of love to God, giving Him attention in the middle of my day and my
own mess. Music is my fastest doorway to
seeing the Presence of God all around me.
She was entering the spirit of the moment in her own way, bringing gifts
to present to me and her sister.
I'm so glad I saw this moment and accepted it. I took the candle-toy creation she
offered. We each held our own candle-toy
creation up and offered it to the Lord.
Our typical morning worship through song became multi layered and even
more beautiful with Samantha's added offering.
Annabelle, three months old, too small to hold anything, but there was a
candle in front of her nonetheless.
Some people do Advent candles during the holidays. Occasionally I've thought of
participating. I might not feel the need
to do it this year. My heart is full of
these candles and this moment. It may
just carry me through the next two months without the time, energy and thought
it takes to intentionally create traditions.
It's a good time for me to be unburdened by traditions. A time when it's taking most of my energy to
sustain the life of a three month old and attend the needs of an energetic
little girl.

I wish each one of you had been here to experience this
moment with us. But we are here and you
are there. At your desk, at a stop
light, on your couch, in a waiting room, you name it... wherever you are, I'm
calling you, drawing you in through the Internet, to join me. What moment are you experiencing right
now? If you are feeling uninspired and
cynical, stop everything you are doing for 3 minutes. No matter how important your current task
is. Especially if you current task is
important! Stop everything for 3 minutes
and ask Him to open your eyes and your heart.